Tree Position

A0-T-YP2191 > P305[A1] > A1b > BT/A1b2 > M168/PF1416[CT] > P143[CF] > M89/PF2746[F] > F1329/M3658[GHI > F929[HIJK] > IJK > IJ > J > J2 > Exact position not yet finalized.

Unique Mutations

The mutations unique to this man are summarized in the table below. Those with a '+' or '*' confidence level are considered by FamilyTreeDNA or FullGenomesCorp to be high quality SNPs/INDELs. For completeness, all other mutations of lesser confidence are included as well. These additional mutations may be useful for distinguishing between very closely related men.

Occasionally, some of the mutations listed here will be thought to be shared with other men in which case they might appear in upstream blocks on the tree. When this happens, the 'Blocks' field will indicate what block they appear in. Such a situation might arise with BigY men if the BED data suggests another man may be positive for a SNP, even though it doesn't appear in his VCF data. It might also happen if Chromo2 testing or Sanger sequencing of other men not on the tree show the SNP to be shared.

POS-REF-ALT (hg19) POS-REF-ALT (hg38) Blocks Names Region McDonald BED combBED STR1kG
14557934-T-C 12446135-T-C Y5030 Y+
13979841-G-A 11859135-G-A S603S603 FGC7928 Y+
28501613-G-A 26355466-G-A FT85293 +
15363979-G-A 13252099-G-A Y38253 YY+
2705979-A-C 2837938-A-C Y5165 FGC17691 Z17201 YY+
2844427-G-C 2976386-G-C FT344974 YY+
2871154-C-T 3003113-C-T FT344985 YY+
2888847-G-A 3020806-G-A YY+
2912795-A-G 3044754-A-G S8478 Z17202 YY+
2931001-T-C 3062960-T-C +
3444104-C-T 3576063-C-T FT155682 +
3521401-G-A 3653360-G-A FT155698 +
3562685-T-C 3694644-T-C FT84350 +
3654216-A-G 3786175-A-G FGC4793 +
3688970-C-A 3820929-C-A Y5166 +
3749748-A-G 3881707-A-G +
3900658-T-C 4032617-T-C FT84402 +
4131298-A-C 4263257-A-C FT93634 +
4160101-C-T 4292060-C-T Y5026 FGC17697 +
4283929-T-TA 4415888-T-TA +
4378742-A-C 4510701-A-C +
4587196-G-T 4719155-G-T FT93687 +
4786305-C-T 4918264-C-T Y5020 +
4944350-A-G 5076309-A-G +
5101728-C-T 5233687-C-T FT84597 +
5131415-T-C 5263374-T-C FT84604 +
5154472-T-A 5286431-T-A FT84613 +
5390100-A-G 5522059-A-G FT156162 +
5390115-C-T 5522074-C-T FT156164 +
5652023-C-G 5783982-C-G FT84691 +
5677640-T-C 5809599-T-C FT84698 +
5810266-G-A 5942225-G-A +
5810267-C-T 5942226-C-T +
5921448-G-C 6053407-G-C FT84730 +
5950921-TA-T 6082880-TA-T +
6082825-C-T 6214784-C-T FT84752 +
6471289-C-A 6603248-C-A FT84771 +
6640961-A-T 6772920-A-T FT345006 Y+
7014192-G-A 7146151-G-A PR828 FT75689 YY+
7141787-C-T 7273746-C-T FT345173 Y+
7150191-G-A 7282150-G-A S9889 Y+
7169421-C-T 7301380-C-T Y5021 FGC17704 YY+
7199047-T-C 7331006-T-C Y5022 FGC17683 YY+
7390646-T-C 7522605-T-C FT345289 YY+
7549561-C-T 7681520-C-T Y5167 FGC17688 Z17203 YY+
7707425-C-A 7839384-C-A FT345411 YY+
7962343-G-A 8094302-G-A Y5023 Z17204 FGC17698 YY+
8066037-A-G 8197996-A-G Y85750 Y+
8248414-C-A 8380373-C-A Y5168 Z17205 FGC17696 YY+
8265401-A-G 8397360-A-G FT345596 YY+
8310342-G-A 8442301-G-A FT345617 YY+
8426602-A-C 8558561-A-C FT345666 YY+
8538774-T-A 8670733-T-A Y5025 Z17206 FGC17681 YY+
8636771-G-A 8768730-G-A Y5007 FGC17673 Z17207 YY+
8671426-T-A 8803385-T-A FT84850 YY+
8775926-G-A 8907885-G-A Y5171 Z17208 FGC17690 YY+
8789349-T-A 8921308-T-A Y5160 Z17209 FGC17669 YY+
9408150-C-T 9570541-C-T Y5162 Z17210 FGC17668 YY+
9778701-T-A 9941092-T-A Z17211 S12472 Y+
9962713-G-A 10125104-G-A Y+
9979999-T-A 10142390-T-A FGC17709 Y+
13202270-G-A 11046594-G-A FGC17693 Z17212 +
13330767-A-T 11175091-A-T FGC80327 +
13711334-G-A 11555658-G-A +
13840121-G-C 11719415-G-C Y5163 Z17213 FGC17671 +
13941041-T-C 11820335-T-C Y23313 Y+
13963720-T-G 11843014-T-G FT346091 Y+
13978431-T-C 11857725-T-C Y+
13979307-G-T 11858601-G-T Y+
14020003-T-C 11899297-T-C Y+
14118334-A-C 11997628-A-C FGC43455 YY+
14165497-C-T 12044791-C-T Y+
14170295-C-A 12049589-C-A Y5009 FGC17679 Z17214 YY+
14201995-G-A 12081289-G-A Y5010 FGC17701 YY+
14331787-C-A 12211081-C-A Y5029 Z17215 FGC17670 YY+
14500829-C-T 12389034-C-T S16092 Z17216 YY+
14576583-A-T 12464783-A-T Y5031 Z17217 FGC17702 YY+
14667788-C-G 12555853-C-G Y9415 YY+
14741946-G-A 12630014-G-A PF6646 Y+
14884527-G-C 12772593-G-C Y5032 YY+
14934407-C-A 12822472-C-A Y5056 YY+
14938609-T-C 12826684-T-C S16574 YY+
14992253-T-G 12880338-T-G Y5033 FGC17687 YY+
15095509-C-T 12983597-C-T FT346537 YY+
15262425-C-T 13150509-C-T Y5034 Z45730 YY+
15376350-C-T 13264470-C-T FT84977 Y+
15583906-G-A 13472026-G-A Y5036 Z17218 FGC17680 YY+
15724735-G-C 13612855-G-C BY36329Y5037 Z17219 FGC17677 YY+
15769431-G-A 13657551-G-A Y5499 YY+
15860759-G-A 13748879-G-A Y5038 FGC17672 YY+
16049618-G-T 13937738-G-T Z17220 S17862 YY+
16221076-A-G 14109196-A-G Y5045 FGC17678 YY+
16431223-C-T 14319343-C-T Y5018 FGC17674 YY+
16630098-A-G 14518218-A-G Z17221 S18579 YY+
16944095-C-T 14832215-C-T FT45281 YY+
16986737-T-G 14874857-T-G FT347193 YY+
17121561-A-G 15009681-A-G Y5027 Z17222 YY+
17121633-G-A 15009753-G-A Z17223 S19243 YY+
17181942-T-G 15070062-T-G S19325 Y+
17197344-C-T 15085464-C-T Y5028 FGC17686 Z17224 YY+
17255793-G-A 15143913-G-A Y5159 Z17225 FGC17706 YY+
17826865-C-A 15714985-C-A Y+
17834623-C-A 15722743-C-A YY+
17869454-A-G 15757574-A-G Z17226 S20326 YY+
17881762-C-T 15769882-C-T Z17227 S20343 YY+
18179616-G-T 16067736-G-T Y5012 YY+
18735296-A-G 16623416-A-G Y+
18966733-G-A 16854853-G-A Z17229 S21556 YY+
19131119-T-C 17019239-T-C S21835 Z17230 YY+
19300113-T-C 17188233-T-C FT85169 Y+
19316122-A-G 17204242-A-G S22109 Z17231 YY+
20837551-G-A 18675665-G-A FT348188 P4_Gap +
21042681-T-C 18880795-T-C FT348197 Y+
21105291-G-T 18943405-G-T S22570 Z17232 YY+
21111470-A-G 18949584-A-G FT348217 YY+
21152462-T-C 18990576-T-C FGC43456 Y+
21326971-A-G 19165085-A-G Y5039 Z17233 FGC17707 YY+
21391763-C-G 19229877-C-G Y5041 FGC17675 YY+
21426905-C-T 19265019-C-T YY+
21516425-G-T 19354539-G-T Z17234 S23196 YY+
21518417-A-T 19356531-A-T Y5169 FGC19515 YY+
21539575-A-G 19377689-A-G Y+
21625906-C-A 19464020-C-A Y5042 FGC17689 Z17235 YY+
21643238-T-G 19481352-T-G Y5043 FGC17705 Z17236 YY+
21822831-G-A 19660945-G-A S23603 Z17237 YY+
21895428-C-T 19733542-C-T S23689 YY+
21994283-A-G 19832397-A-G Z17238 S23843 YY+
22022422-A-C 19860536-A-C Z17239 S23884 YY+
22079130-C-A 19917244-C-A Y5170 FGC19516 Z17240 YY+
22081231-A-C 19919345-A-C Y5044 FGC17700 Z17241 YY+
22246733-T-A 20084847-T-A FGC17708 DYZ19 +
22270954-G-A 20109068-G-A FGC17684 Z17242 DYZ19 +
22606721-T-C 20444835-T-C Y5015 FGC17692 Z17243 YY+
22612801-C-G 20450915-C-G Y5172 FGC19514 Z17244 YY+
22643019-G-A 20481133-G-A FT348688 Y+
22673922-A-T 20512036-A-T Y5174 Z17245 FGC17685 YY+
22717045-T-C 20555159-T-C S24602 Z17246 YY+
22822866-G-C 20660980-G-C Y5175 Z17247 FGC17699 YY+
22939078-G-T 20777192-G-T Z17248 S24906 YY+
23093544-T-C 20931658-T-C FT348852 Y+
23102520-G-A 20940634-G-A Y+
23429962-C-T 21268076-C-T Y5019 FGC17703 Z17249 YY+
23474636-A-C 21312750-A-C Y5173 Z17250 FGC17695 YY+
23550421-A-T 21388535-A-T Y5016 Z17251 FGC17682 YY+
23652459-C-A 21490573-C-A Y5017 Z17252 Y+
23810906-T-C 21649020-T-C BY147879 Y+
23971057-C-T 21824910-C-T FT349102 Y+
24888506-G-A 22742359-G-A Z17253 g1 +
27507577-G-A 25361430-G-A FGC19517 P1_Y2 +

In the table above, the meaning of the confidence field depends on whether the data comes from an FTDNA kit or an FGC kit. For FTDNA kits, + implies a "PASS" result with just one possible variant, * indicates a "PASS" but with multiple variants, ** indicates "REJECTED" with just a single variant, and *** indicates "REJECTED" with multiple possible variants. 'A*' are heterozygous variants not called by FTDNA, but still pulled from the VCF file. For FGC kits, + indicates over 99% likely genuine (95% for INDELs); * over 95% likely genuine (90% for INDELs); ** about 40% likely genuine; *** about 10% likely genuine. Manual entries read directly from a BAM file will be either + indicating positive, or * indicating that the data show a mixture of possible variants.

For the FTDNA kits, the BED data is encoded in the background color of the cells. Those cells with a white background have coverage, those with a grey background indicate no coverage in the BED file, and those with a pink background indicate the mutation is on the edge of a coverage region. These pink regions often indicate that the individual may be positive for a SNP even if there is no corresponding entry in the vcf file.

The combBED column indicates whether or not the mutation is a SNP and falls in the combBED region defined in Defining a New Rate Constant for Y-Chromosome SNPs based on Full Sequencing Data by Dmitry Adamov, Vladimir Guryanov, Sergey Karzhavin, Vladimir Tagankin, Vadim Urasin.

The McDonald BED column indicates whether or not the mutation is a SNP and falls in the BED region used by Dr. Iain McDonald in the age analysis he does for R-U106 men.