Tree Position

A0-T-YP2191 > P305[A1] > A1b > BT/A1b2 > M168/PF1416[CT] > P143[CF] > M89/PF2746[F] > F1329/M3658[GHI > F929[HIJK] > IJK > K > M526[K2] > M2335 > F346[NO] > P191[O] > Exact position not yet finalized.

Unique Mutations

The mutations unique to this man are summarized in the table below. Those with a '+' or '*' confidence level are considered by FamilyTreeDNA or FullGenomesCorp to be high quality SNPs/INDELs. For completeness, all other mutations of lesser confidence are included as well. These additional mutations may be useful for distinguishing between very closely related men.

Occasionally, some of the mutations listed here will be thought to be shared with other men in which case they might appear in upstream blocks on the tree. When this happens, the 'Blocks' field will indicate what block they appear in. Such a situation might arise with BigY men if the BED data suggests another man may be positive for a SNP, even though it doesn't appear in his VCF data. It might also happen if Chromo2 testing or Sanger sequencing of other men not on the tree show the SNP to be shared.

POS-REF-ALT (hg19) POS-REF-ALT (hg38) Blocks Names Region McDonald BED combBED STR1kG
13693908-G-T 11538232-G-T BY88819 +
8890040-C-T 9021999-C-T Z16506F1452 Y+
22982689-G-T 20820803-G-T CTS11157 Y+
2696013-C-T 2827972-C-T F14840 YY+
2948894-T-A 3080853-T-A FT315522 +
3103892-T-C 3235851-T-C +
3240489-C-G 3372448-C-G FT316548 +
3294522-G-C 3426481-G-C +
3426377-A-C 3558336-A-C +
3461085-G-C 3593044-G-C FT317322 +
3490129-T-A 3622088-T-A +
3665284-G-A 3797243-G-A +
3686062-T-C 3818021-T-C FT318132 +
3691134-G-C 3823093-G-C FT318155 +
3844721-C-T 3976680-C-T +
4145665-T-C 4277624-T-C FT319670 +
4192995-G-T 4324954-G-T +
4745940-G-A 4877899-G-A +
4877015-C-T 5008974-C-T +
5207518-C-T 5339477-C-T +
5222960-C-T 5354919-C-T +
5295887-G-A 5427846-G-A FT323439 +
5482560-C-T 5614519-C-T +
5540233-C-T 5672192-C-T FT324247 +
5609035-G-A 5740994-G-A +
5705201-C-G 5837160-C-G +
5745460-G-A 5877419-G-A FT324943 +
5811426-G-A 5943385-G-A +
5831770-A-G 5963729-A-G FT325194 +
5918909-A-T 6050868-A-T FT325497 +
6027117-T-C 6159076-T-C FT325892 +
6498237-G-A 6630196-G-A +
6681921-G-A 6813880-G-A F15247 YY+
6738573-A-T 6870532-A-T F819 AMM191 AM00381 YY+
6810920-C-T 6942879-C-T BY3503BY3503 AM00382 AMM192 Y35628 YY+
7036383-C-T 7168342-C-T F15541 YY+
7038378-C-T 7170337-C-T F15545 YY+
7070489-C-G 7202448-C-G F15573 YY+
7151519-A-G 7283478-A-G AM00383 AMM193 Z39165 Z39164 YY+
7513805-G-A 7645764-G-A Z39166 Y+
7648468-T-C 7780427-T-C F16089 YY+
7704817-T-A 7836776-T-A Z39167 YY+
7831353-C-T 7963312-C-T Z39169 YY+
7866588-G-A 7998547-G-A Z39170 YY+
7910516-G-T 8042475-G-T F16417 YY+
8021798-A-G 8153757-A-G F16562 YY+
8501449-T-C 8633408-T-C F1263 YY+
8676377-G-A 8808336-G-A F17379 YY+
8731851-G-A 8863810-G-A Z39172 Y+
8752910-T-C 8884869-T-C Z39173 YY+
8782363-G-T 8914322-G-T Z39174 YY+
8836999-C-T 8968958-C-T F17528 YY+
9029974-A-T 9192365-A-T Y+
9172314-C-A 9334705-C-A FGC69642 Y+
9450730-A-G 9613121-A-G FT300664 YY+
10020414-T-G 10182805-T-G Y+
10066746-C-G 10229137-C-G Z39176 +
13127299-A-G 10616785-A-G +
13394097-C-G 11238421-C-G +
13437895-T-G 11282219-T-G +
13438066-C-A 11282390-C-A +
13540631-G-T 11384955-G-T +
13639641-G-A 11483965-G-A +
13677929-G-A 11522253-G-A BY88098 +
13680680-G-A 11525004-G-A +
13862860-G-A 11742154-G-A +
14031222-G-T 11910516-G-T CTS1716 YY+
14120404-A-G 11999698-A-G CTS1914 Y+
14148812-T-A 12028106-T-A CTS1995 YY+
14209895-C-T 12089189-C-T F18634 YY+
14215793-T-C 12095087-T-C F18646 YY+
14248740-A-G 12128034-A-G CTS2288 AMM145 AM00335 YY+
14499529-C-T 12387734-C-T F19007 YY+
14653488-C-T 12541553-C-T CTS3085 AM00336 AMM146 YY+
14895608-C-G 12783674-C-G CTS3400 AM00337 AMM147 YY+
14920529-T-C 12808594-T-C CTS3433 YY+
15028310-C-T 12916398-C-T F19477 YY+
15041926-T-C 12930016-T-C YY+
15060902-A-G 12948994-A-G AM00338 AMM148 Z39177 YY+
15221290-T-G 13109376-T-G Y+
15347133-G-C 13235252-G-C AM00339 AMM149 Z39178 YY+
15465636-T-G 13353756-T-G F19814 YY+
15527109-C-T 13415229-C-T CTS4261 YY+
15636328-G-T 13524448-G-T Y+
15636482-G-C 13524602-G-C Y+
15648328-A-T 13536448-A-T FT301206 YY+
15652204-G-T 13540324-G-T CTS4447 YY+
15653535-G-A 13541655-G-A AMM150 AM00340 Z39179 YY+
15657573-G-A 13545693-G-A CTS4460 YY+
15716328-T-C 13604448-T-C CTS4565 YY+
15893650-G-T 13781770-G-T FT301277 Y+
15893651-A-T 13781771-A-T FT301278 Y+
16001295-C-G 13889415-C-G FT301301 Y+
16322659-A-C 14210779-A-C FT301363 Y+
16398802-G-C 14286922-G-C Y+
16422255-C-T 14310375-C-T FT301395 Y+
16458831-A-G 14346951-A-G CTS5726 AMM153 AM00343 YY+
16531020-G-A 14419140-G-A F20787 YY+
16540416-T-A 14428536-T-A Y+
16660681-C-G 14548801-C-G CTS6088 YY+
17403756-G-C 15291876-G-C YY+
17445724-G-T 15333844-G-T CTS7370 AM00345 AMM155 YY+
17454293-C-T 15342413-C-T Y+
17469084-C-T 15357204-C-T Y31615 YY+
17568554-C-T 15456674-C-T SK1589 AM00346 AMM156 YY+
17602084-C-T 15490204-C-T CTS7668 YY+
17659824-T-C 15547944-T-C CTS7783 YY+
17693474-G-A 15581594-G-A AMM157 AM00347 Z39180 YY+
17792078-T-C 15680198-T-C F22117 YY+
17854864-C-T 15742984-C-T Z39181 Y+
17937211-C-T 15825331-C-T F2644 AM00349 AMM159 YY+
17938128-A-G 15826248-A-G F22301 YY+
18007366-C-T 15895486-C-T MF2386 P7_Gap Y+
18155895-T-C 16044015-T-C FT337942 Y+
18183108-C-G 16071228-C-G CTS8756 YY+
18184981-G-C 16073101-G-C FT301865 Y+
18549117-G-A 16437237-G-A AMM161 AM00351 Z39182 Y+
18709346-A-G 16597466-A-G CTS9138 AM00352 AMM162 YY+
18771712-C-T 16659832-C-T CTS9243 AM00353 AMM163 YY+
18809368-T-C 16697488-T-C F2852 AM00354 AMM164 YY+
18889453-T-G 16777573-T-G F23011 YY+
18954012-G-C 16842132-G-C CTS9540 AMM165 AM00355 YY+
19011621-G-A 16899741-G-A AM00358 AMM168 Z39184 YY+
19021779-T-C 16909899-T-C F23187 YY+
19059879-C-T 16947999-C-T F23237 YY+
19060993-G-T 16949113-G-T CTS9765 YY+
19170017-G-A 17058137-G-A CTS9955 Y+
19403978-C-T 17292098-C-T AMM169 AM00359 Z39185 YY+
19474424-C-A 17362544-C-A F3063 AM00361 AMM171 YY+
19481175-G-A 17369295-G-A CTS10491 YY+
19527725-C-G 17415845-C-G CTS10537 YY+
21068783-A-G 18906897-A-G AM00363 AMM173 Z39186 YY+
21147444-G-C 18985558-G-C AM00364 AMM174 Z39187 YY+
21159803-T-G 18997917-T-G F23948 YY+
21333109-G-T 19171223-G-T YY+
21357716-C-A 19195830-C-A F24208 YY+
21440810-G-A 19278924-G-A AMM175 AM00365 Z39188 YY+
21450288-T-G 19288402-T-G AMM176 AM00366 Y+
21460581-T-A 19298695-T-A F24330 YY+
21496735-A-G 19334849-A-G AM00367 AMM177 Z39189 Y+
21619802-G-A 19457916-G-A AM00368 AMM178 Z39190 YY+
21755690-A-G 19593804-A-G F24660 YY+
21803281-C-A 19641395-C-A FT302482 Y+
21818623-G-A 19656737-G-A F24728 YY+
21932468-A-C 19770582-A-C AM00370 AMM180 Z39191 YY+
21987139-T-C 19825253-T-C F24893 YY+
22114430-T-C 19952544-T-C AMM181 AM00371 Z39192 Y+
22222420-A-G 20060534-A-G DYZ19 +
22246055-C-A 20084169-C-A DYZ19 +
22258439-T-C 20096553-T-C DYZ19 +
22259331-A-C 20097445-A-C Z39193 DYZ19 +
22270840-G-T 20108954-G-T Z39194 DYZ19 +
22458803-G-A 20296917-G-A FT457363 DYZ19 +
22459935-C-T 20298049-C-T FTA47585 DYZ19 +
22487856-G-A 20325970-G-A DYZ19 +
22649410-C-T 20487524-C-T F25325 YY+
22834188-C-A 20672302-C-A AMM182 AM00372 Z39195 YY+
22937270-C-T 20775384-C-T CTS11079 AM00374 AMM184 YY+
22947075-T-G 20785189-T-G CTS11090 YY+
22983315-A-G 20821429-A-G Y+
22990582-T-C 20828696-T-C AM00375 AMM185 Z39196 Y+
23043710-C-T 20881824-C-T FT302783 YY+
23074707-A-T 20912821-A-T F25765 YY+
23093279-A-G 20931393-A-G CTS11394 Y+
23250514-G-T 21088628-G-T F25895 YY+
23456430-G-A 21294544-G-A AM00377 AMM187 Z39197 YY+
23472770-A-C 21310884-A-C AM00378 AMM188 Z39198 YY+
23573246-T-G 21411360-T-G F26235 YY+
23620488-A-G 21458602-A-G F3495 YY+
23751006-C-T 21589120-C-T Y+
24448831-C-T 22302684-C-T F3640 Y+
28524104-G-T 26377957-G-T +

In the table above, the meaning of the confidence field depends on whether the data comes from an FTDNA kit or an FGC kit. For FTDNA kits, + implies a "PASS" result with just one possible variant, * indicates a "PASS" but with multiple variants, ** indicates "REJECTED" with just a single variant, and *** indicates "REJECTED" with multiple possible variants. 'A*' are heterozygous variants not called by FTDNA, but still pulled from the VCF file. For FGC kits, + indicates over 99% likely genuine (95% for INDELs); * over 95% likely genuine (90% for INDELs); ** about 40% likely genuine; *** about 10% likely genuine. Manual entries read directly from a BAM file will be either + indicating positive, or * indicating that the data show a mixture of possible variants.

For the FTDNA kits, the BED data is encoded in the background color of the cells. Those cells with a white background have coverage, those with a grey background indicate no coverage in the BED file, and those with a pink background indicate the mutation is on the edge of a coverage region. These pink regions often indicate that the individual may be positive for a SNP even if there is no corresponding entry in the vcf file.

The combBED column indicates whether or not the mutation is a SNP and falls in the combBED region defined in Defining a New Rate Constant for Y-Chromosome SNPs based on Full Sequencing Data by Dmitry Adamov, Vladimir Guryanov, Sergey Karzhavin, Vladimir Tagankin, Vadim Urasin.

The McDonald BED column indicates whether or not the mutation is a SNP and falls in the BED region used by Dr. Iain McDonald in the age analysis he does for R-U106 men.